It feels good to have finished a piece of work 完成一项工作后感觉很好。
When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical 当我拿出这件作品时,我的讲师们提出了诸多批评意见。
That's a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it. 那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。
Underneath I think he's actually a rather nasty piece of work. 内心里我觉得他是个非常讨厌的家伙。
This is a shoddy piece of work; it's hardly presentable. 这活儿不像样,拿不出手。
This piece of work is rather time-consuming. 这项工作很费时。
This is an ambitious piece of work. 这是一件耗时的作品。
In his account it was an excellent piece of work. 根据他的评价,这是一部优秀作品。
He commenced on a piece of work. 他着手搞一项工作。
A hard piece of work exacts patience. 一件艰苦的工作需要耐心。
This is too slovenly a piece of work. 这个活儿太粗了。
This is a piece of work I can be proud of. 这是一件我值得骄傲的杰作!
I guess this sort of thing happens when you deal with a piece of work like avani. 我想你和avani这样的人一起干活就会发生这种事。
The developer may either be owned by the publisher, contracted out for piece work and ports, or funded for the whole program. 开发者可以为发行商所有,也可以通过合约负责部分工作或端口,或提供整个程序的资金。
You are a piece of work. I gotta shop. 你太难缠了,我得去购物了。
Out of this grew the idea of piece work. 就在这里,他萌生“计件工作”的想法。
The builders have accomplished the difficult piece of work. 建设者们已完成了这项困难的工作。
The Study on the Reform of the Management Pattern of the Piece Work Hour in the Laundries of Hospitals 医院洗衣房计件工时管理模式改革的研究
He's a nasty piece of work, don't you know? 他是个讨厌的人,你不知道?
What a piece of work is man! 人类是一件多么了不得到杰作!
She's put in a lot of effort on this piece of work. 她在这件作品上付出了许多努力。
There is sincerity between you and me, and him, and her, and between each piece of work. 一份属于你和我,和他,和她,和作品之间的真诚!
It's a real elaborate piece work. 真得称得上是一件精品了。
In my life@ was, I think, my first real, major piece of work. 我认为,《在我的生命中》是我的第一部重要作品。
You are a piece of work. 你真是个不一样的人。
This includes board band base pay structure scheme, piece work incentive scheme, monthly bonus scheme and year end bonus scheme. 其中包括宽带结构的基本工资方案,计件奖金方案,月度奖金方案、终奖金方案。
I put a piece of work into you. 我在你身上花了不少功夫。
I like challenging work, and I think that each piece of work it is interesting. 我喜欢有挑战的工作,和每份工作都有它有趣的地方。
I'll be blunt& that last piece of work you did was terrible. 我就直说了&你做的最后一件工作很差劲。
Along with the soft piece work project technology development, the object-oriented design, the method of exploitation already were the mainstream technologies which the software produces. 随着软件工工程技术的发展,面向对象的设计、开发方法已经是软件生产的主流技术。